PANORAMA GEM & MINERAL CLUB announcement of 2025 Rock & Mineral Show

What is the date for the 2025 PGMC FREE “Rock and Mineral Show?”
Date for your Calendar will be March 7th and 8th of 2025
The Panorama Gem and Mineral Club held a spectacular gem show in Colville on the 8th and 9th of March 2024. The club is a non-profit organization in Steven’s County. The proceeds go towards scholarships at Jenkins, Kettle Falls and Colville High Schools. As president of the Club, I want to celebrate the service of our volunteers who contributed to this year’s highly successful event. Thank you…
Johnie and Ginger Pitman – Chairpersons for the annual gem shows.
Roger Calvert
Bob and Linda Bristow
Frank and Sheila Stratton
Kaitlin and Karl Loveall
Hunter McDaneld
Jim and Betty Peters
Bill and Anni Sebright
Glynis Hull
Cyndie Doppler
Gena Johnson
Heather Armantrout
Greg VanWeerthuizen
Scott, Kelly, Dexter, and Simon Stubbs
Sharon Borgford
Doug Beeker
April Swigert
Barb Cozza
Kevin and Leigh Youngblood
Johnson’s Christian School – Carina Going, Amaris Tallent, Makayla Fairweather
Jim Retzer
Joe Barreca
Kris Davis
Dave, Luke, and Len Paquette
A special thanks to Dean Robinson and Family and our vendors.
Lynne Calvert
President of the Panorama Gem and Mineral Club